WALL ANGEL: Easy stretch to help you correct your posture
As the name suggests, The Wall Angel stretch doesn't require any equipment, just a wall and regular practice can have great benefits on your posture long term. Most people spend hours hunched over in front of the computer. Slowly, we can see our posture changing...
Stretches for beginner runners to avoid injuries
It’s summertime, mornings are warmer and a lot of people working on their fitness want to add a morning run to their routine. To ensure your new routine doesn’t stop due to injuries it is important to know how to stretch your body. According to a study published on...
How breathing can help your flexibility
You have done your workout, could either be running, hiking, HIIT, boxing or weightlifting, and you have been advised to stretch afterwards so you are not too sore the next day. Your trainer or chiropractor has given you a few examples of stretches you can do, so you...
We have all probably heard Personal trainers, physios and even chiropractors tell us we should stretch, and that stretching is good for us. We know that one of the benefits of regularly stretching is a boost in flexibility, which can give us greater range of motion...
3 Stretches to do Before Bed
Taking the time to stretch before bed can help us relax and sleep more comfortably. Night time stretching can improve blood flow and reduce muscle tension, which help with recovery and better sleep quality. These are some of our favourite ones stretches: CHIILD POSE...
Morning Stretches
Stretching your muscles in the morning awakens and energizes your body and mind. It is also important to stretch at night. Relaxing your muscles helps to free your body and mind from the tension accumulated during the day. Stretching increases the range of...
Child’s Pose-Good Stretch For The Lower Back
This simple stretch is easy and suits all flexibility ranges. As with any stretch stay in the zone where you can feel it, but it is not causing any pain. Hold the pose for up to one minute and you can do this stretch multiple times a day. To get into the child’s pose...
Stretch those Hamstrings!
Tight hamstrings are a common complaint. The hamstrings are the group of muscle tissues located on the back of the thigh which attach to the ischial tuberosities (AKA the sitting bones). But what you may not know is tight hamstrings can affect the mobility of the...
Stretching Exercise for Rib Expansion
When you breathe in (inhale) your ribs expand to allow the flow of air. The ribs are connected to the back of the spine by thick cartilage joints. If these joints become rigid, movement becomes difficult. No matter how good your lung function is, the amount you...
North South East West Neck Stretch
Give your neck a stretch without harm. Stretching our body improves mobility and circulation. One area that often gets sore and needs dedicated time is the neck. But what is the correct way to give it a good stretch without...

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