Spring offers us a chance to have better health and wellness as it gives us longer days, warmer temperature and wider availability of fresh, local fruits and vegetables. This is the season to spruce our health habits! Phrases such as ‘I need to get back on it with the exercise” and “I need to eat better” are ones we often hear in the practice.
We have a few advice that we would like to share and hopefully they could help you to spring forward and create greater health and happiness for yourself:
- Spring clean to clear your mind as well as your home
You may wonder what on earth this has to do with your health and wellbeing but decluttering and reorganising your home and clearing out all the things that you no longer need in your life is very liberating. Have you read Marie Kondo’s famous book “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying” or watch her on Netflix? Her mantra was that when tidying and decluttering if an item does not “spark joy” then it has to go. It is good for your emotional wellbeing, and it helps to open up space for new things to enter your life.
- Setting health goals with little incremental changes in mind
Look at your daily routines and see where you can incorporate healthier habits and make small incremental tweaks – whether this is around increasing the amount of exercise you are already doing, getting your regular adjustments, getting more sleep, or changing some of the things you are eating and swapping them for healthier alternatives. Making small incremental tweaks to your routine is the very principle behind getting a regular Chiropractic adjustment. Little incremental changes are important because often we have an ‘all or nothing’ mentality. We feel guilty when we skip a couple of gym sessions or have an extra glass or two of wine due to life getting in the way. And this leads us into a pattern of extremes of behaviour: over-indulge or overly tough on ourselves. We can end up in a spiral of negative-self-talk and sabotage of our well-intended healthy habits.

The most important advice we want to give you is to stop setting aggressive goals and to show some more self-care, self-compassion and kindness towards ourselves. Be kind to yourself because let’s face it, the last 3 years were super tough, and we made it.
To health and happiness
The New Lynn Chiropractic team
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