A New Year
A new year, a fresh start, a new set of goals. For many of us, one of those goals might be to get in shape, join the gym (or use a current membership that might be slightly forgotten), or to generally focus on health. However, what comes with an increase in exercise...
What is the Psoas?
What is the Psoas? noun, plural pso·ai [soh-ahy] The psoas is a long muscle that connects the lower spine hip joint. When you are sitting for long periods of time – like most of us do – this muscle can become extremely tight which can cause back pain,...
The Posterior Chain: What is it and Why is it Important?
The posterior chain is the group of muscles that make up the backside (posterior = back) of your body. These muscles include the glutes, hamstrings and calf muscles, as well as the erector spinae (long muscle around your spine) and the latissimus dorsi, or...
Supporting The Cervical Spine
Chronic neck pain is something we are seeing more and more in the younger generation because of the chronic use of hand-held devices. If you have not already read our recent clog check it out here. Here are some easy exercises you can so at home to support a healthy...

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