How to avoid the flu this season
Tis the season—not the festive season, unfortunately, but the flu season, when those nasty little bugs like to spread themselves around. As the temperatures cool, the days get shorter, and we spend more time in close quarters indoors with other people, our chances of...
A day in the life of a Chiropractor
Meet Dr Maiye, one of our chiropractors. This is what an average day looks like for her.Setting the stage for a successful day begins with prioritising physical activity andmaintaining a healthy lifestyle. I prioritise exercise and nutrition to ensure I’m at my...
Should my child see a chiropractor?
Many of us see chiropractic care as something for adults—for when we injure our back playing squash or sleep badly and wake up with a sore neck. But it’s actually a form of health maintenance that’s for everyone—from octagenarians down to newborns. So why would you...
Five myths about Chiropractic treatment
We’ve all got that friend or family member - the one who says they’ll never visit a chiropractor. As practitioners, we always find it amusing, given the huge benefits we know treatment can bring, but it’s inevitably something to do with something they heard third-hand...
How to rewire your brain so it rewires your body
Many of us go through everyday life just accepting the bad habits we’ve formed over time. “It’s just the way I am, or it’s just the way I’m built’ But what if that’s not true? Studies into neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to reorganise itself by forming new neural...
What to expect from your first Chiropractic appointment
It can be a bit nerve-wracking to embark on any kind of new health treatment and Chiropractic is no exception. Jokes about back cracking don’t help allay fears and the picture in your head of what might happen can be quite different to what initial consultation and...
Can eating excessive processed food affect your pain levels?
There’s been a lot of talk about our increased reliance on highly processed food. In a world where many of us are time-poor, it’s often much quicker to grab something from a packet, than cook from scratch; and food companies are getting better and smarter at making...
Spinal Wellness: A Year of Resolutions for a Healthy Spine
As we stand at the threshold of a new year, let's embark on a journey to prioritize the well-being of our spines. In the spirit of a fresh start, our focus this month revolves around "Spinal Wellness: A Year of Resolutions for a Healthy Spine." Here are some practical...
Wins for 2023
In the run-up to Christmas, we love chatting with our patients and hearing about the wins they’ve had this year. People always seem to find it surprising (sometimes it even surprises us) how much all parts of their health improve when they have regular treatment....
How to have fun while still maintaining good health over the Christmas break
Christmas is always a time of excess, and it can be hard to find that delicate balance between having fun and compromising your health. We think the holidays should be a time to loosen up a bit - no one wants to drink green smoothies on Christmas day or get up at 6am...
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